вторник, 29 ноября 2022 г.

Module 2. Grammar of emotions


Module 2. Grammar of emotions. Verbal representation of emotion

Emotion as a type of mental experience may find its representation in language in a number of ways:
  • Labelling emotion;
  • Description of emotion display;
  • Metaphorization of emotional experience;
  • Verbal reporting of emotional experiences and state /action tendencies 
The increase in intensity of emotional experience through the aforementioned ways of emotion reification is substatiated by the nature of linguistic signs - from iconicity and symbolism to indexicality.

Metaphors, if treated as all-pervasive phenomena, are not mere stylistic devices but according to George Lakoff supply "an alternative account in which human experience and understanding, rather than objective truth, plays the central role".

Further reading
1.  Alba-Juez, L., & Lachlan Mackenzie, J. (2019). Emotion processes in discourse. J. Lachlan Mackenzie and Laura Alba-Juez (Eds). Emotions in discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. P. 3-18 . 
2. Bednarek, M. (2010). Emotion talk and emotional talk: approaches to language and emotion in Systemic Functional Linguistics and beyond.
3.Fiehler, R. How to do emotions with words: emotionality in conversations. In Fussell, Susan R. (ed.): The Verbal Communication of Emotions.Interdisciplinary Perspectives. - Mahwah, NJ/London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002. pp. 79-106.

4. Gendron, M., Lindquist, K. A., Barsalou L., Feldman Barrett L. (2002). Emotion Words Shape Emotion Percepts. Emotion, 12(2).  P. 314-325.


5. Kövecses, Z. (2000). Language and Emotion Concepts.
In Metaphor and emotion: Language, culture and body in human feeling. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp.1-19
 6Lakoff, G. & Johns0n, M. (2003). Metaphors we live by. - London: The university of Chicago press. pp. 3-18. 

7. Pinich, I. (2020). Qualitative emotion analysis in Modern linguistic studies 
8. Rosenwein, B. H. (2006). Problems and Methods in the History of Emotions. In Cahiers de Civilisation Medievale, 49 (1). P. 33-48.
https://ww w.passionsincontext.de/uploads/media/01_Rosenwein.pdf

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